The Red Ledges Trail #019 is 5.0 miles long. It travels between Forest Trail #018 (Aspen Flat) and Forest Trail #020 (Robertson Pasture). Access to this trail is from one of the aforementioned trails or off of Forest Trail #160 (Red Ledges Access Trail) off of Forest Road #079 (North Creek). Red Ledges Access Trail #160 intersects Red Ledges Trail #019 at its midpoint, where users can travel either west to intersect Aspen Flat Trail #018 or east to intersect Robertson Pasture Trail #020. From the east end of the trail the trail descends slightly for the first two miles before descending steeply into the Indian Creek basin. After crossing Indian Creek the trail ascends steeply towards the junction with Forest Trail #018 (Aspen Flat). Many trail loops can be made using this trail and other area trails. Those trails include: Red Ledges Access Trail #160, Aspen Flat Trail #018, Robertson Pasture #020 and Shay Ridge #162. To complete these loops, Forest Road #079 (North Creek) is used.