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Native Teen Guide In Training Program

This camp was developed to invest in Native-Centered Teen programming for rising 8th-12th graders through place-based outdoor education, social-emotional learning curriculum, as well as to provide accessible pathways for Native Teens to learn about guiding and natural resource career opportunities.

The Native Teen Guide-In-Training Camp begins at San Island in Bluff, Utah, which launches into an 8 day and 7 night river trip down the San Juan River that stretches through the desert landscapes and canyons of the Diné-Navajo Nation.

This immersive camp helps nurture the healthy development of Native Teens by (re)connecting them with nature through experiences like whitewater rafting, visiting cultural heritage sites, engaging in unplugged camping, and fostering community.

Canyonlands Field Institute
Drop off and pickup Location: Sand Island Campground, Bluff, Utah Arrangements can be made to transport campers traveling by air to and from Grand Junction Airport
Outdoor Recreation
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