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San Juan Strong Promise


As San Juan Country — Utah’s Canyon Country recovers and begins resuming usual activities during COVID-19, we are ensuring the safety of our visitors, customers and locals alike. While restrictions and recommendations may change, we will continue working above and beyond to keep our communities a safe and healthy place to live, work and visit.

The San Juan Strong Promise is a two-fold commitment for businesses and community residents and customers and visitors.

Working together to adhere to the basic principles of this promise, we will be able to maintain operations, keep our doors open, preserve public health and crush the curve of COVID-19.

Together, We Are San Juan Strong. We invite you to join us in this promise.



As a visitor and customer in Utah's Canyon Country, you are a part of the San Juan Strong Promise by:

  • Washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Using hand sanitizer when available
  • Sneezing and coughing into your elbow or a tissue
  • Avoiding touching your face
  • Using social distancing when possible
  • Using a mask or face covering whenever possible
  • Staying home when sick
  • Being safe as you explore, as our emergency services are limited

These reminders are posted throughout San Juan County — Utah’s Canyon Country. Look for the San Juan Promise Seal in businesses that are upholding high-quality standards of hygiene and safety. 

Also, be aware that our community may be under varying levels of “risk” that could affect travel plans. Call 1-800-574-4386 if you have questions or visit

Visiting San Juan County — Utah’s Canyon Country? Learn more here

View a complete list of COVID-19 business hours, here.

Click here for San Juan County public health COVID-19 resources.

As a business owner and/or community members in Utah's Canyon Country, you are part of the San Juan Strong Promise by: 

  • Implementing all standards and recommendations from the Governor's Office
  • Training staff to ensure high standards of hygiene and safety
  • Making masks available for staff to slow the spread and follow CDC guidelines
  • Facilitating social distancing when possible
  • Screening employees daily to ensure that sick employees stay home

Receive the San Juan Strong Seal for your business by completing these three steps:

  1. Take the pledge. Fill out this form either online or by paper.

Get Your packet. Your packet includes a pledge certificate, a window cling sticker, posters, masks (disposable or fabric) and additional collateral.

Get listed. Your business’s name will be added to the directory of other pledged businesses participating in the San Juan Strong Promise. Click here to see the Directory.

  1. Check out our toolkit. Access a toolkit for businesses including resources to help you navigate COVID-19 and the “new normal” and print and social media collateral. Visit Utah’s Health Guidance System for additional resources.



Recreate Responsibly

From wide-open spaces to historic urban neighborhoods, remember to #recreateresponsbily. Please follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19. When you visit, please follow Leave No Trace and Vist With Respect principles as well. Thank you.

  • Know before you go. Learn about current travel conditions

  • Keep it close. Follow the state and county orders governing the open status of the area you’re visiting. 

  • Keep your distance. Give others plenty of room whether you are on a trail, a boat launch or parking lot. Follow the CDC’s social distancing guidelines for staying six feet apart from others. Wear masks and face coverings where possible.

  • Know your limits. Consider altering your plans to avoid challenging or strenuous hikes, as well as trying new activities while first responders, parks and committees continue to respond to the pandemic. 

  • Keep it with you. If you brought it, take it with you. Trash pickup and restroom facilities continue to be limited in many public land areas.

  • Keep it local. Remember the local communities you are visiting help support improvements and recreation in the neighboring public land areas. Click here to view a list of current operational businesses.

Our local businesses are doing their part to keep both customers and our communities safe. Below is a list of all the San Juan County businesses who have joined in the San Juan Strong Promise. All businesses participating in the San Juan Strong Promise are also pledged in the State of Utah's Stay Open Stay Safe.


North County


Dixie 4 Wheel Drive

Spanish Valley

New Image Creations, LLC

La Sal

S&S Enterprises

Spanish Valley

St. Danes Cabins

Spanish Valley




Abajo Trading Post

Beautiful U Aesthetics

Zions Bank - Monticello Branch

Blue Mountain Foods

Blue Mountain Meats

Canyonlands Motor Inn

Details Gifts and Such

Granary Bar and Grill

Grist Mill Inn

Honey Dews

(435) 691-3971

Inn at the Canyons

Ja-Roen Thai Sushi

Jackalope Trading Company

Monticello College

Peter Springs Alpaca Ranch

PJ's Restaurant

Roam Industry

7-Eleven / Exxon

San Juan Dental

San Juan Record

San Juan Upholstery

Thatzza Pizza

Wagon Wheel Pizza

Westerner RV Park

Wrench Ranch

Bennett Management Svcs





Abajo Haven Guest Cabins

Blue Mountain Chiropractic

Creamy Delights

Brent Johansen DDS

Country Comfort

Courtesy Loans

Grayson General Store

H+ Aesthetics

Mindful Infusions

San Juan Wellness Center

Blanding City

7-Eleven / Exxon

Smith Plumbing & Heating

Star Loans

Super 8 Blanding


The Dinosaur Museum






Bluff Garden's Cabins

Bluff Fort

Coral Sands RV Park

Cottonwood RV Park & Dairy Cafe

Cottonwood Steakhouse

Desert Rose Resort & Cabins

Kokopelli Inn

La Posada Pintada

Raven's Nest Vacation Rental

Twin Rocks & Crazy Crow Cafe

Twin Rock Trading Post



South County

7-Eleven / Exxon

Mexican Hat

Goulding's Monument Valley

Monument Valley



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